Get to know Aeneas' work

Translation: Hunter&Handford (1927).
Greek: Loeb: Oldfather (1923) (available on Perseus).


Overview of the Poliorketika

1. Organising Troops
2. Securing the City
3. Organizing City Guards
4. Signals
5. Gatekeepers
6. Outposts by Day
7. Calling the Population Into the City
8. Securing the Countryside
9. Deterring the Enemy
10. Notices - Martial Law
11. Plots
12. Precautions With Regard to Allies
13. The Maintenance of Mercenaries
14. Suggestions for Securing Unanimity
15. Expeditions Into the Countryside
16. Another Method of Relief
17. Precautions During Festivals
18. Securing the Gates at Night
19. Sawing a Cross-Bar
20. The Prevention of Tampering with Bars and Bolts
21. (Cross-references)
22. Watches
23. Secret Sallies at Night
24. Passwords
25. Signs to Accompany the Password
26. Rounds
27. Panics
28. Gatekeeping
29. Smuggling Arms
30. Importing Arms
31. Secret Messages
32. Contrivances for Repelling Assaults
33. Methods for Setting on Fire
34. Materials for Quenching Fire
35. Inflammable Materials
36. Hindrances to the Placing of Ladders
37. The Discovery and prevention of Mines
38. Reserves
39. Ruses
40. Garrisoning a City

Minor changes have been made to the original text of the translation, mostly regarding punctuation.

The manuscripts of the text give titles to most of the chapters. These titles are probably not original. In some cases titles have been supplied or were used for the paragraph, although they are located in a different place in the text. Any such changes are indicated in the text with the appropriate brackets. You can also check the Greek to compare.

What do the brackets mean?
( ) Text in round brackets contains comments which are in the original text.
[ ] Text in square brackets has been added by me (Greek terms in transliteration, cross-references)
< > text in angle brackets: Greek text restored by editors where there were clearly gaps (caused by the copying of manuscripts). The translation used here only marks longer interpolations in this way.

Aeneas Tacticus in Greek
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created 14/02/2010 - updated 05/07/2017